Welcome to My World!

Coder, Family Enthusiast, Gamer

My Family

About My Family

Family is at the heart of everything I do. At 28 years old, I find my greatest joy and support in my small but loving family. My wife, who is 32, and our delightful 2-year-old daughter are my world. Our life together is enriched by the diverse cultural tapestry that our family weaves, with my roots in Romania and my wife's father in Bosnia. Despite living in Austria, we maintain strong connections with our extended family, often traveling for family visits. These journeys are not just trips but are essential threads that keep our family fabric strong and vibrant. We cherish our time together, whether it's playing at home, exploring the outdoors on family walks, or embarking on small trips. These moments are not only about relaxation but also about creating lasting memories and teaching our daughter the value of family and adventure. Every laugh, every step we take together, and every journey we embark on is a precious part of our family story, one that we continue to write with love and togetherness.

Our Stories

Every family has its collection of stories and memorable events, and ours is no exception. Here are a couple of adventures that have become cherished memories for us. Summer Trip to Italy, 2023: This summer, we ventured on a delightful 5-day trip to Bibione, Italy. The experience was fantastic, as we soaked up the sun, enjoyed the local cuisine, and relished the vibrant Italian culture. The highlight of our trip was a visit to the enchanting city of Venice. Wandering through its historic streets and canals was like stepping into a living postcard, an experience that we'll always treasure. A Nighttime Adventure, 2022: Last year, while driving from Bosnia to Romania, our adventure took an unexpected turn when our car broke down 100 km from my parents' home. It was 3 in the morning, but what could have been a stressful situation turned into a memorable adventure. Scrambling to find help in the dead of night, we experienced the kind of unplanned excitement that family stories are made of. Thanks to the help of family members, we eventually made it home safe and sound. This experience, while challenging, reminded us of the importance of family support and the adventures that life can throw our way.